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Pinterest is filled with so many awesome tricks, tips and ideas that I would love to try! But let’s get real for a sec. There is a lot of ideas and tips that are on Pinterest that may not have been tried and tested on many so when it comes to professional services. I will leave the pros to their jobs and let them do what they have studied and worked in their businesses, practices, medical facilities, etc. Check out this article on Pinterest do-it-yourself ideas that you may want to rethink.

After that, allow the beauty team at Carolina Eye Candy to keep your eyebrows cleaned and shaped with waxing and threading, extend and fill your eyelashes, remove those unsightly bikini hairs, spray tan your body to give you a bronzed glow, and give you a deep cleansing facial and/or exfoliation with microdermabrasion treatment. Regular facials are recommended for maintenance, and a series of microdermabrasion is best done in a series for optimal results. Have a beautiful day!
