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I love makeup!  I love reading about the newest trends, the latest and greatest, and seeing how celebrities transform with it.  (Honestly, I love the articles about celebrities without it even more, ha ha!)  I think it is absolutely beautiful when done to accentuate your natural beauty.  Some like to cake it on, some wear it on occasions, and others feel it is an absolute necessity.  So when I happened upon this article about women who wear makeup so much, their husbands haven’t seen them without it, I was stunned!  Some have different reasons for wearing makeup, such as hiding blemishes or dark circles.  But wearing makeup only because you are trying to please another person is totally unhealthy.

I personally feel that my eyelash extensions and a little lip gloss is enough makeup for me, but for photo shoots and such I will put it on, but I personally cannot wait to cleanse my face and rid myself of it.  I feel the best makeup one can wear is clean skin.

So check out the article, and let me know your thoughts.  Look in the mirror and begin to love there person staring back at you; with or without it ; )

Beauty & Blessings,



Licensed Esthetician. Master Lash Artist. Minister of Beauty. Go-to Authority on Eyelash Enhancements and Education in South Carolina. To book a VIP service visit www.CarolinaEyeCandy.com