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Dark circles are one of the most common conditions that most people face on a daily basis.  Often accompanied by under-eye bags, dark circles can be caused by environmental, physical, or hereditary causes. Understanding the potential causes of under-eye pigmentation is the key to finding the right treatment.

What causes dark under-eye circles?

Dark circles may be related to inflammation, body toxins, or sun exposure just to name a few, and treating it may vary depending on the cause. Read on to find out what are the most common contributing factors for dark circles, and what can you do to treat it.

Fatigue. Insufficient sleep or oversleeping can cause dark circles underneath the eyes. It also causes the skin to become dull and pale. This may be redundant but try to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. This will also prevent you from having puffy eyelids every time you wake up in the morning.

Poor diet. Start eating the right foods. Avoid food with high salt and reduce your alcohol intake. Include food rich in iron in your diet, which means more on red meat, green leafy vegetables, eggs, and beans among other things.

Allergies. Allergic reactions and eye dryness can also cause dark circles. The body releases histamines when you have an allergic reaction. It causes the blood vessels to dilate and become more visible beneath the skin.

Ask your doctor to recommend prescriptions, supplements, or antihistamine medication for your allergies, and take it as directed. You can also ask about allergy eye drops for quick relief.

Pigmentation. Excessive sun exposure also causes hyperpigmentation under the eyes. The increased accumulation of melanin around the eyelid can make the skin in that particular area darker than the skin surrounding it. Ask your dermatologists if you simply need a skin-lightening cream or chemical peels, or if you need to undergo procedures like laser therapy to get rid of them permanently.

Dehydration. There is no stressing this enough. When your body is not receiving the proper amount of water every day, you are reducing its ability to flush out toxins inside the body. You should drink water as often as possible and do not wait until you feel thirsty before drinking up.