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What is fasting?  It is when you take a break from something you normally do.  Most people think of food when they think of fasting. Breakfast means break the fast of when you have been sleeping to eat something nourishing.

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Well, your fast could use some fasting as well. . .  From makeup that is.  Listen, no matter what type of makeup you use (mineral, organic, etc.), you are placing something on top of your skin that isn’t normally there, so it needs to be removed.  Check out the conversation about it here.  Most people do not fully cleanse their skin as they should, which leads to breakouts and premature aging.  Taking a break from your makeup a few days a week could lead to an overall difference in your skin’s appearance.  If you wear makeup for 7 days a week, take 2 days off out of those 7.  If you wear for 5 days, take a day or even 2 off.  Try your best to go makeup free as much as you can take it, and take proper care of your skin at all times!  The skin cells turn over at a rate that is different for each age, so the earlier you start, the better off you will be.  And remember this:  The best makeup is beautiful clean and clear skin.

Beauty & Blessings,



Licensed Esthetician. Master Lash Artist. Minister of Beauty. Go-to Authority on Eyelash Enhancements and Education in South Carolina. To book a VIP service visit www.CarolinaEyeCandy.com