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Our hair is said to be our crowning glory. I’m sure you will all agree with me that the wrong hairstyle can add years and pounds to our appearance. No wonder we spend a lot of our time and money taking care of our hair. We cut, color, straighten, and curl it – you name it, we’ve done it at one time or another, right? But have you ever experienced a time when you and your stylist did not have the same vision and you ended up with a bad haircut?

Here’s our guide to surviving – and hopefully fixing, a bad haircut.

1. Give it time. Take a deep breath, and relax. Some haircuts just need getting used to, especially if it’s a drastic change from your previous do. Give it a few days to see if it’ll “grow on you.” Try to part your hair differently. Wear a headband or wear it up in a ponytail or a bun. If you still feel
like crying a storm every time you see your reflection in the mirror then it’s time to do something about it.

2. Go back to the stylist. Why do you hate the style so much? Is it the bangs? The cut? After closely examining your hair, see if it can be fixed. If the fix is not as simple as securing the fringe with a clip, then go back to the stylist and explain clearly what you do not like about the haircut and how you want to fix it. Don’t go to another stylist who might just end up butchering your hair and making the problem worse. Plus, the first stylist would be more likely to follow your instructions this time around since you were not pleased with the first cut. You can also inquire if they could fix the hair for free or give you a discount.

3. Wait it out. If, however, going back to the stylist and cutting your hair again is not an option, you can just wait for the hair to grow again. For the meantime, you can try experimenting with new looks. Be bold. Be daring. Be adventurous! You can color your hair differently – maybe there’s a shade that you have been wanting to try out. Now is the time. Buy a bold rich lipstick to match the hair. Wear your best dress. This will give you a confidence boost, the perfect pick me up if you’re feeling down about that haircut.