by Elizabeth Jennings | Jul 19, 2021 | Beauty, beauty updates, blog, Skincare & Aging
Whether you are in your 20’s, 30’s or 50’s, you probably already have researched on how to reduce wrinkles or any signs of skin aging. These fine lines, laugh lines, or whatever you want to call it, is part of the aging process. Whether we like it or not, our skin...
by Elizabeth Jennings | Mar 13, 2019 | Beauty, blog, Health, News, Pop Life that Relates to the beauty industry, Skincare & Aging
Most of us could not start our day without coffee. It doesn’t matter how we like it – black, with cream and sugar, cappuccino – it jump starts out day, and makes sure we are alert and ready to face the world and whatever it decides to throw in our face for the...
by Elizabeth Jennings | Jul 24, 2017 | Beauty, beauty updates, blog, Skincare & Aging
Wrinkles? Skin Imperfections? Women (and men) dread the time when wrinkles, laugh lines and other skin imperfections begin appearing on their face. Their appearance usually signifies the harsh truth that there really is no stopping the aging process. While it may true...
by Elizabeth Jennings | Apr 12, 2017 | Beauty, blog
A stem cell is simply defined as an un-specialized cell able to propagate through cellular division. It also has the capacity to expand into differentiated cells having specific functions. The DNA code is the basis of development of various types of tissues and...